Scorpionfish, Stonefish and Co

Expert in camouflaging, highly poisonous or good fighters: some of the species of the Aquarium have intriguing peculiarities!

Poisonous fishes of the lagoon

In tropical waters of the coral reefs, one should pay attention to some poisonous fishes… Pains, fevers and dizziness: a simple touch can lead to severe complications. The divers and biologists of the Aquarium give you some advices to avoid or easy the pain of the stings!

Scorpionfish and Stonefish: family of the Scorpaenidae

Poisonous fishes Commonly found in the Indo-Pacific area, Scorpionfish are Lionfish provide a wonderful show to amateur divers. On the other end, they are a massive threat! The spines on their dorsal flipper are like sabres, and require a particular attention when it comes to diving inside the aquarium or manipulate the animals. The pain from the sting is close to a Cobra bite. Excruciating and unbearable, the pain quickly spread to the entire member. Lasting for 24h, it can lead to oedema, dizziness, nausea and even delirium…

• If you get stung : the pain can be eased if you approach the stung area from a source of heat or by immersing the limb into 40°C water. You shouldn’t scrub or cut the wound. And in no case you should try to suck the venom out !

Stonefish can only be found in coral reefs. Blending in corals and rocks, they are among the most dangerous poisonous fish ! Their sting can be lethal: first, the pain is really violent, then, accelerated breathing before slow breathing. In the most severe cases, the sting can cause cardiac arrest. Accidents usually happen while walking on a reef or catching fishes in nets.

• To avoid any contact : the use of thick sole shoes can be life savior! Be careful where you put your hands under the sea. In case of sting, contact the emergencies immediately.

Sea catfish

Sea catfish from tropical waters are also really dangerous for men: some species may cause mortal accidents! They usually hide under rocks or in the mud. It’s while walking or fishing that we can get stung. If stung, fever appears immediately followed by oedema.

• As for Stonefish, the use of shoes can reduce the risks. If poisoned, emergencies need to be contacted quickly to identify the species and the risks.

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