Lords of the Ocean
1st Floor
There are more than 500 known species of shark living around the world today. They can be found in all of the world's oceans, be they tropical, temperate or polar (except in Antarctica).

Key figures
Depending on the species, they may inhabit anywhere from coastal shallows to abyssal plains up to 3,600 m deep (like the siki). Some of them also thrive in freshwater, including the Ganges shark and the Amazonian bull shark.
They are worshipped as gods by Pacific Islanders. Unfortunately, 1/3 of oceanic sharks are now threatened with extinction.
The world of sharks
Shark species are distributed throughout the water column according to their natural behaviour. Some live on the bottom while others move on the surface and swim continuously.
Sharks coexist with other species that are too large to be used as prey and small species that do not interest them.